Category: WHERE

The gold myrtle wreath

 The Roots of Loots

How a Gold Blossom Myrtle Wreath from Northern Greece is involved in the greatest scandal of the art world? A powerful story that breaks down the structure of the illegal market of antiquities and exposes the role of famous dealers and important museums in the trafficking.

Houses next to a canal

Bruges, more than you can see

Bruges, in Belgium, has been a touristic town for more than a century. But under all the picturesque streets, the canals, beer breweries and other touristic attractions, lies a city with a rich history. A heritage that lives in every corner of this city. With three UNESCO listings, one can’t stop asking, what is so special about Bruges?

Art in times of war

Art in times of war

Art is everywhere, even in the trenches. From time immemorial the human primordial needs creation, using all his creative potential, knowledge and skill to express himself through some form of visual art. Man’s designs can be found and seen everywhere. Even in the most unexpected places and time, where our common sense tells us they do not belong, as in times of sickness, conflict, and war. One proof of the previous...